Resolution of the Conference of ICOR Africa

Resolution on Working Class and Oppressed People in Africa


Recalling that Workers and their class allies, who include the peasants, have always been in the forefront in the production of material wealth in the continent as elsewhere in the World, and that May Day was brought about by the bloody struggle and sacrifices of the exploited and oppressed workers against the capitalists and all exploiter classes.

Further recalling that May Day is a reminder that the gains that the workers and oppressed have achieved hitherto in bettering their wages and working conditions have been brought about, not by the sympathies of the employers and their governments, but by consistent united struggle of the forces of change and progress – the workers and their class allies.

Restating that no capitalist anywhere in the world has ever bettered the condition of his or her workers without being forced to do so by the united struggle of his/her employees.

Recognising that the working class and revolutionary parties and organisations have always been in the frontline of the struggle for progressive change and national liberation in Africa from colonialism and on-going struggles against neo-colonialism and neoliberalism.

Further recalling that the working class and their revolutionary parties have been and still are at the forefront in the struggle for multiparty democracy and progressive political reforms in the Continent.

Observing that workers lives and living conditions have hardly changed for the better and they are still paid slave wages and work under slave like conditions, and that workers’ rights continue to be trampled underfoot your employer across the continent and that working class families live in poor dwellings or slums in both urban and rural areas.

Further observing that working class and oppressed people in the continent continue to die of curable diseases and man-made environment disasters.

Noting that Africa has also enough resources and wealth to ensure that all citizens realise the economic and social rights.

Further noting that Africa’s ruling class together with their political parties and state institutions and imperialist allies continue to impose the capitalist system upon the workers, the working class and the oppressed African masses.

Observing that African capitalist regimes are privatising everything including public service, sea ports, airports; industries; and that the best social services - schools, universities, colleges, health and recreational facilities are now private and therefore are not accessible for the majority of workers.

Further observing the continent’s has fallen further into the imperialist capture through unfavourable and unsustainable foreign debts and investments.

ICOR Africa now therefore calls upon

A) African workers and oppressed people to

  • Unite because you have nothing to lose than your chains! Unite to play your leading role in the class struggle an the revolution!

  • Reject division along ethnicity, religious, race, sex, age or nationality lines!

  • Join trade unions and strengthen them by ensuring that they are led by true, honest and accountable leaders who do not betray workers interests through conspiring with employers for selfish interests!

  • Join the fight for socialism!

B) African trade union leaders to

  • Demand that no employer should violate the right and duty of all African workers to form, join and belong to a trade union of his/her trade or choice!

  • Demand an end to practises that increase vulnerability of workers to job losses such as privatisation of services and state corporations, casualization, labour outsourcing contracts/arrangements.

C) Revolutionary Parties

  • Strenghten your work among then working class in all sectors from manufacturing, farming over logistic up to the big monopolies.

  • Intensity and sharpen the struggle against neoliberalism, neo-colonialism and capitalism in the continent.

  • Intensify struggle against presence of imperialist forces in the continent.

  • Strengthen solidarity, collaborations, exchanges and experience sharing with all revolutionary parties and organisations working in the continent.

  • Continue the struggle for socialism.

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