Resolution of the 5th World Conference

Let us firmly oppose the fascist danger!


An international trend towards a rightward development and fascism has emerged as an integral part of the existence-threatening crises. In six European countries, fascist parties became the strongest force in the European elections in 2024. “The desperate situation of the wide masses of the people renders certain sections of them susceptible to infection from the ideological refuse of this putrefaction.” (“The Ideological Struggle Against Fascism”, Comintern, Seventh World Congress, Georgi Dimitrov, 2 August 1935). Therefore, the ideological struggle among the masses and the working class against this must be reinforced. The starting point is monopoly capital, which demands a more drastic shifting of the burdens of crisis onto the masses, deprivation of the rights of the working class, militarization and fascistization of the state apparatus. The background is the sharpened inter-imperialist competition in which every imperialist propagates aggressive chauvinism with slogans like “my country first”. In its counterrevolutionary oppression of the working class, this fascism is identical to Hitlerite or Mussolini fascism and at the same time tries to appear in “modern forms”. They act critical of the government to blind the masses, deny the global environmental catastrophe that has begun, aggressively use social media. We will expose their demagogy! In recent years, powerful anti-fascist movements have emerged in many countries of the world, which we support. Let us interpenetrate the campaign to educate about imperialism with the enlightenment about fascism. Let us advance the building of ICOR in interaction with the United Front and the establishment of united fronts in individual countries. Our task is to represent the leadership of the working class and to help socialism gain a new reputation as a way out of the danger of a world war, environmental destruction and fascism.


  1. CPSA (ML) South Africa

  2. UPML France

  3. SPB Bangladesh

  4. CPI (ML) Mass Line India

  5. UMLP Portugal

  6. BKP Bulgaria

  7. FMIN Mexico

  8. CPK Kenya

  9. IKM Poland

  10. UMU Russia

  11. UoC Cyprus

  12. NCP (Mashal) Nepal

  13. SympPFLP Germany

  14. PPDS Tunisia

  15. MMLPL Morocco

  16. PCC-M Colombia

  17. BP (NK-T) Northern Kurdistan-Turkey

  18. RUFN Nepal

  19. TKP-ML Turkey

  20. ORC Congo

  21. MLPD Germany

  22. MLKP Turkey-Kurdistan

  23. RM Netherlands

  24. PML Peru

  25. MLGS Switzerland

  26. PC (ML) Dominican Republic

Resolutions of the World Conference are ICOR resolutions if more than 50 percent of the attending member organizations approve them. Further organizations are cordially invited to give their signatures.