Resolution of the 5th Word Conference

No cross-front! No unity with fascists!


In view of the danger of world war and the search of the masses for a social alternative, reactionary and fascist forces are promoted throughout the world by capital. The monopolies need these forces to break the will of the masses to lead a life in peace, to prevent their revolutionization, and to actively win them for the war course of the governments. The fascists must be made socially acceptable for this. The cross-front policy was deliberately promoted in the COVID period. Rightists and leftists were apparently united against the state of emergency of the governments.

The so-called cross-front tactics is an old method of fascists to propagate and organize seemingly common goals with communists, leftists, progressive forces. In this way, a beginning dissatisfaction among the masses is to be steered in a fascist direction in order to suffocate a revolutionary perspective in socialism and to maintain capitalism.

Antifa is fighting the cross-front – everywhere!

Not an inch to fascists!


  1. UoC Cyprus

  2. UMU Russia

  3. UMLP Portugal

  4. BDP Peru

  5. NCP (Mashal) Nepal

  6. MLGS Switzerland

  7. MMLPL Morocco

  8. UPC-MANIDEM Cameroon

  9. FMIN Mexico

  10. RUFN Nepal

  11. BKP Bulgaria

  12. CPSA (ML) South Africa

  13. BP (NK-T) Northern Kurdistan-Turkey

  14. MLPD Germany

  15. PPDS Tunisia

  16. SympPFLP Germany

  17. RM Netherlands

  18. SPB Bangladesh

  19. PC (ML) Dominican Republic

Resolutions of the World Conference are ICOR resolutions if more than 50 percent of the attending member organizations approve them. Further organizations are cordially invited to give their signatures.