Explanation No: 2024/5

Our Party TKP-ML has successfully concluded its 2nd Congress in the summer months of 2024. Our 2nd Congress was shaped as the product of our party will in a period when the Turkish state's assimilation, denial and annihilation attacks on the fundamental rights and freedoms of our people of Turkish and Kurdish nations, various nationalities and beliefs continued at full speed, and increased its fascist aggression against the revolutionary and communist movement, in the harsh economic conditions our people were forced to live in.
Our 2nd Congress, which was convened under conditions where the signs of the Third Imperialist War of Division in the international arena are becoming increasingly evident and regional wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe continue in full intensity; first evaluated the activities of our party after the 1st Congress. Drawing lessons from its shortcomings and mistakes in the class struggle, it took them as the justification for the successes of the coming process. It emphasized the importance of organizing the party within the masses and mass struggles. It confirmed the applicability of our party's “near but forward” line in the struggle for the People's Democratic Revolution.
Our 2nd Congress also analyzed the economic and social structure of Turkey, which is an important topic of discussion in the history of our party's more than half a century of struggle and reached certain conclusions. The 2nd Congress of our party has determined, Turkey's social formation to be of comprador capitalist and feudal remnants of the economic and social structure dominated by an economic and social structure, accordingly, the nature and path of the revolution in Turkey has changed.
Based on the unique characteristics of the People's Democratic Revolution, our Party has updated the program and statute of our party. It determined that the principal contradiction among the main contradictions today is the contradiction between imperialism, comprador capitalism, feudal remnants and the broad masses of the people; In the process of the People's Democratic Revolution, the main contradiction is the contradiction between comprador capitalism, feudal remnants and the broad masses of the people.
Our 2nd Congress: based on this concrete reality, accepted that the revolution in Turkey is at the stage of the People's Democratic Revolution and that this revolution can only be realized through armed struggle. It affirmed that the revolution in Turkey will not follow the same line with as the successful revolutions of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, and that it has its own specificities.
The understanding that “Our revolution will have its own specificities. People’s War in Turkey, guerrilla warfare will not be the same as previous examples. Turkey has its own characteristics, differences in terms of the region in which it is located” which was decided at the 7th Conference of our Party (2002) and continued to be discussed at the 8th Conference (2007) was advanced by the party will and the current situation was analyzed correctly.
Our Congress determined that in the struggle for the People's Democratic Revolution, work within the cities and the working class is primary; that work in the countryside and among the poor peasants has become secondary; that the revolutionary struggle will rise on the basis of armed struggle from the beginning to the end; that the guerrilla struggle, which aims at armed popular uprising but on the basis of “small groups, great daring”, is applicable from the beginning to the end of the revolution.
Our 2nd Congress embraces the struggle of the Kurdish nation and other minority nationalities against nationalism, racism and chauvinism. It regards the struggle of other oppressed nationalities and beliefs, especially the Kurdish nation, against all kinds of fascist oppression, mass killings, bans, national and religious oppression of the Turkish ruling classes as part of its own struggle.
Our 2nd Congress accepts that in the stage of increasing violence and massacres against women, women's struggle against patriarchy, feudal remnants, capitalism, imperialism and fascism is intertwined, therefore the struggle for gender equality and the fight against patriarchy, is part of the Democratic People's Revolution and decisive in the organizing of the masses of women.
Our 2nd Congress has renewed its view that within the Democratic People’s Revolution struggle, the HBDH and KBDH are utmost important struggle fronts.
Our 2nd Congress salutes with communist pride, especially the revolutionary memory and legacy of our immortalized comrades and the struggle of our imprisoned comrades who are still resisting under severe conditions of isolation and torture, who continue to show their commitment to our party and the revolution with great will.
Our 2nd Congress salutes our supporters and militants, families of martyrs and prisoners, who did not spare their lives and labor in our struggle for the People's Democratic Revolution, which has exceeded half a century.
Our party TKP-ML continues its resolve and determination, for our people’s liberation from the imperialist and comprador capitalist exploitation and fascist oppression; to lead the struggle for independence, freedom and people’s democracy, and to conclude this struggle with democratic revolution.
Glory to our 2nd Congress!
Long Live our Party TKP-ML, TİKKO, KKB, TMLGB under its leadership!
Long Live Democratic People’s Revolution!
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!
Long Live Marxism Leninism Maoism!