Resolution of the 5th World Conference

Against the ongoing occupation in Cyprus


50 years ago, on July 20, 1974, the Turkish state began its invasion of the Cypriot people. The result is the ongoing colonial occupation of one third of Cyprus by fascist Turkish colonialism and the social segregation of Turkish and Greek speaking Cypriots.

Cyprus today is used as a geostrategic base for the inter-imperialist conflicts of the ruling class. The NATO states of Turkey, Greece, Britain, France and the USA rely on military bases and the fascist Turkish state continues to send Turkish settlers to prevent Greek-speaking Cypriots from returning to the occupied territory.

As ICOR parties at the 5th ICOR World Conference, we call for the struggle against Turkish colonialism side by side with the Cypriot people and consider it our responsibility to support every people targeted by the colonial aggression of the Turkish Republic in their struggle for freedom.

Long live the brotherhood of peoples!

Long live the struggle against colonialism and occupation!

Freedom for Cyprus!


  1. BKP Bulgaria

  2. CPSA (ML) South Africa

  3. UoC Cyprus

  4. PPDS Tunisia

  5. SympPFLP Germany

  6. UMLP Portugal

  7. TKP-ML Turkey

  8. UPC-MANIDEM Cameroon

  9. FMIN Mexico

  10. RUFN Nepal

  11. CPK Kenya

  12. UMU Russia

  13. PML Peru

  14. MLGS Switzerland

  15. CPI (ML) Mass Line India

  16. MLPD Germany

  17. NCP (Mashal) Nepal

  18. ORC Congo

  19. PCT Togo

  20. UPML France

  21. RM Netherlands

  22. MLKP Turkey-Kurdistan

  23. BP (NK-T) Northern Kurdistan-Turkey

Resolutions of the World Conference are ICOR resolutions if more than 50 percent of the attending member organizations approve them. Further organizations are cordially invited to give their signatures.