Resolution of the 5th World Conference

Resolution on the working class


Since 2018 we have a continuing global economic and financial crisis. The international supermonopolies are beginning to take a more aggressive line against the working class in order to keep ahead in the inter-imperialist competition. More and more corporations have announced massive job destruction, even closures of complete factories, including, for example, VW (Volkswagen) and thyssenkrupp Steel Europe. The supermonopolies are going over to a regular general attack on the automotive and steel workers. They must not get away with it! For this they even have abandoned the long-pursued class collaboration. We will know how to use this weakness! The international industrial proletariat is facing great challenges in going over to the working-class offensive against these attacks. For this, our international coordination and cooperation of workers’ struggles must become even better. For example, VW has 117 branches around the world in Germany, China, Poland, Mexico, Portugal, Belgium, South Africa. Mass struggles, trade union and independent strikes must now be systematically prepared. At the same time we must help the workers overcome social-chauvinist division – “My country first”, “My plant first” – to systematically develop their class consciousness and class independence and strengthen their cross-border cohesion. For this, ICOR will take on special responsibility, drive the struggles of industrial workers forward and actively promote this development. The time is ripe to significantly expand and strengthen work in large industrial enterprises and centers. Let us exchange experiences from the work among the working class and coordinate the leadership of the struggles. The International Automotive Workers’ Conference in 2025 in a center of hundreds of thousands of automotive workers in India will be an important signal! Forward to the working-class offensive! Without the leading role of the working class there will be no revolution and no socialism!


1. UMU Russia

2. IKM Poland

3. UMLP Portugal

4. UoC Cyprus

5. NCP (Mashal) Nepal

6. MLGS Switzerland

7. CPSA (ML) South Africa

8. PPDS Tunisia

9. SympPFLP Germany

10. MMLPD Morocco

11. FMIN Mexico

12. RUFN Nepal

13. CPK Kenya

14. TKP-ML Turkey

15. BKP Bulgaria

16. UPML France

17. MLPD Germany

18. ORC Congo

19. RM Netherlands

20. PC (ML) Dominican Republic

21. MLKP Turkey-Kurdistan

22. BP (NK-T) Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye) (Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan-Turkey))

Resolutions of the World Conference are ICOR resolutions if more than 50 percent of the attending member organizations approve them. Further organizations are cordially invited to give their signatures.