Resolution of the 5th World Conference

Resolution on Venezuela


We reject any and all imperialist interference on principle.

True solidarity with the Venezuelan people against imperialism and fascism can only come from the working-class movement and its national and foreign organizations.

We believe that the internal problems of Venezuela must be solved without disturbances or threats from the outside. We demand to stop the media campaigns that promote hatred and revenge instead of promoting the brotherhood of the Venezuelan people.

A new plan of US imperialism in South America was the coup attempt in Bolivia and, more recently, the plan for military intervention in Venezuela with Peruvian and Chilean police and military forces.

Respect for Venezuela’s sovereignty!

Stop US interventions in Latin America!


1. MMLPL Morocco

2. SympPFLP Germany

3. PPDS Tunisia

4. CPSA (ML) South Africa

5. UoC Cyprus

6. UMLP Portugal

7. FMIN Mexico

8. RUFN Nepal

9. PML Peru

10. BKP Bulgaria

11. UPML France

12. CPK Kenya

13. ORC Congo

14. MLPD Germany

15. SUCI-C India

16. NCP (Mashal) Nepal

17. MLGS Switzerland

18. SPB Bangladesh

19. RM Netherlands

20. PSR Peru

21. PC (ML) Dominican Republic

22. MLKP Turkey-Kurdistan

23. BP (NK-T) Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye) (Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan-Turkey))

Resolutions of the World Conference are ICOR resolutions if more than 50 percent of the attending member organizations approve them. Further organizations are cordially invited to give their signatures.